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The two main reasons that Europeans pushed for territory in Africa were RESOURCES and STRATEGIC LOCATIONS:

Resources: There were an incredible variety of resources produced around the world that fed into the European industrial machine. Central Africa produces coltan and other metal ores along with numerous exotic woods like ebony and mahogany. Southern Africa has massive deposits of gold and diamonds. Eastern Africa had easier access to the spices coming from East Asia. The European powers wanted to gain access to these resources to power their industrial rise.

Strategic Locations: Numerous colonies had specific strategic locations, such as Egypt with the current Suez Canal, Morocco with the Straits of Gibraltar or South Africa's possession of the Cape of Good Hope. Many colonies were chosen specifically based on where they were and how effectively defense could be maintained by holding those positions.

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Q: What were the two main reasons European nations scrambled for the territory in Africa in the 19th century?
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