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Christianity was the major religion in Elizabethan times.

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Q: What were the two major religions during Shakespeare's time in Elizabethan England?
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Who ruled England during shakespeares's lifetime?

Elizabeth the first. It was a Elizabethan England.

What were the two major religions in Elizabethan England?

The two major religions in Elizabethan England were Catholicism and Protestantism. The country experienced religious turmoil during this time, with Queen Elizabeth I establishing the Protestant Church of England as the official religion through the Act of Supremacy.

Political climate in England during time shakespeare writing?

The two major religions in Elizabethan England were the Catholic and Protestant religions. The convictions and beliefs in these different religions were so strong that they led to the executions of many adherents to both of these Elizabethan religions. Catholics in particular made various plots to overthrow the monarchy, which made the government somewhat tense and paranoid.

What were the main religions in the Elizabethan era?

In England during the reign of Elizabeth I, there was only one legal religion--the Church of England. Anyone who had an inclination toward any other religion had to do it secretly.

What was the Elizabethan England?

The Elizabethan era is the history of England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1 (1558-1603)

Who rule England during Shakespeare's lifetime?

Elizabeth the first. It was a Elizabethan England.

Plays in Elizabethan England were performed during when?

Daylight hours

Plays in Elizabethan England were performed during .?

Daylight Hours

What is the definition of Elizabethan England?

It refers to England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth 1

What religious affiliation had England broken during the Elizabethan era?

The religious affiliation that England had broken during the Elizabethan era was with the Roman Catholic Church. This led to the establishment of the Church of England as the official state church under Queen Elizabeth I.

Was Shakespeare part of any religions?

In England during the Elizabethan and Jacobean era it was the law that everyone had to belong to the Church of England, and attend regular Sunday services. Shakespeare therefore belonged to the Church of England and attended Sunday services. Nobody knows whether he had any opinions about that.

What was the language in England during the Elizabethan era?

Early Modern English. Sometimes called Shakespearean English. If you read any Shakespearean play you will read English as it was then said in the Elizabethan era.