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you will have to take a popo 12 to 15 times per day.also you will have a popo smell that comes from your body. grant

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Q: What will happen if you have too much fiber in your body?
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What will happen if you have too much dietary fiber?

Too much fiber/fibre can possibly reduce the amount of magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron, and copper that is absorbed from the foods we eat. In addition, too much roughage/fiber can cause intestinal pain/cramps.

How much is too much fiber?

Well, one way to tell if you had Too Much fiber, is if you're eating more than your body weight in fruits and veg every day. Otherwise, you're OK.

What can happen to your body if you have too much water?

It will bloat.

What happens if you get to much fiber?

While fiber is an important part of your daily diet, too much fiber can also cause health issues. If you take in too much fiber with out drinking enough water it could cause your body to not be able to absorb the nutrients and minerals it need. Too much fiber could also lead to intestinal blockage and constipation. While if you take too much fiber with the recommended amount of water, you could wind up with stomach cramping and diarrhea.

What would happen if their was too much oxygen?

Too much air would harm the body

Can too much fiber a bad thing?

yes, you can have too much fiber. The recommendation for women is 25grams of fiber and for men is 30grams, but it will be okay to go over the limit as long as you do it slowly. you body needs to get used to it. if you increase the intake of fiber by a significant amount, you'll probably be bloated for awhile. It will go away though. if that happens just cut back on the fiber and increase the fiber intake slooowwwlllyyyy. After a one or two weeks your body will adjust to the amount of fiber and you'll be able to take in lots of fiber and not notice anything at all but until then you should take it in little by little.

Is a high fiber diet a good thing?

A high fiber diet is good because dietary fiber helps with bowel movements and clearing out the toxins in the body that have accumulated. It is a good idea but not too much fiber.

What would happen if you ate too much high-fiber food?

You would get a bad case of gas and/or diarrhea. It would be pretty uncomfortable.

Is too much pepper bad for you?

Black pepper corns are actually good for your body. They are a good source of manganese, fiber, vitamin K, and iron. Some people believe the myth that too much is damaging to your digestive system, but the fiber improves/aids digestion.

Would you rather have too much or two little fiber in your diet?

too much!

What happens if you have to many high fiber foods?

That is rarely a problem if you eat whole foods; but if you just ate fiber, it does interfere with absorption of nutrients. The problem is much more often too little fiber, not too much fiber, in a diet.

What will happen if your body gets too much of riboflavin?

There are no known effects of riboflavin (B2) toxicity (too much), but dermatitis can result from riboflavin deficiency.