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well when you sqeeze out the juice for drinking the fibre stays in the fruit skin so your best thing to do is eat fruit rather than drinking fruit juice.

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Q: What will happen to the fiber if you drink the fruit juice instead of eating the fruit?
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Related questions

How much fiber is lost when you drink juice instead of eating the whole fruit?

Depending on how the juice is processed, it can be almost all of it. Read the nutrition label in order to know. A fruit puree is a better choice for those concerned with getting their fiber.

How do you stop your poop from getting hard?

try eating lots of fiber and drink milk.


Sort of. Try drinking Actimel or eating grapes .

Is a fiber supplement better than eating more fiber food?

You can use it in combination with eating fiber rich foods. Sometimes it's not so practical to take in the fiber rich foods at work or at a business meeting. A fiber supplement can add in more fiber and you can often add it to a drink or to oatmeal or other foods. If you find you can't eat enough fiber daily, you may want to buy a fiber supplement.

What could you drink to have a big butt?

you can drink and eat with lots of fiber in it

How do you enchance your digestive system?

drink prune juice, eat lots of foods with high fiber and lots of fruits and veggies. also eating yogurt with probiotics in it helps aswell.

Can you gain weight eating fruit?

Yes, you can gain weight eating fruit! Carbohydrates almost always cause weight gain, especially when overeaten. Fruit contains a great deal of fructose, which should be eaten in moderation to avoid weight gain. The good thing about fruit, is that it contains fiber which helps the body to avoid the sugar spike that you get from eating fiber-less sugary candy, etc. If you are trying to lose weight, avoid eating more than one piece of fruit a day. Also, NEVER drink fruit juice. Fruit juice contains all of the fructose from the fruit without any of the fiber. You might as well drink sugary soda.

Is apple juice good?

Yes, it makes your bones stronger and lets you have a healthy life. It is a really good drink to give your kids instead of soft drinks. However, you should drink it in moderation. Even apple juice contains a lot of natural sugar. It is not as healthy as eating an apple with a glass of water since a whole apple also contains fiber and helps the sugar release slower into the body.

I am trying to stick with a healthier diet. What are some foods that have lots of fiber?

A few foods with a lot of fiber are potatoes, brocolli and apples. Make sure to drink lots of water when eating all high fiber foods or you may become constipated. For high fiber content, eat whole grain breads, cereals, and pasta. Also eat beans, vegetables, and fruit.

Is fiber a element?

Fiber is not actually a known element. Instead fiber is typically described as a very essential supplement in the diet.

How do I start a fiber diet?

To increase your fiber intake as recommended by your doctor, start our with eating plenty of fresh fruit and raw or lightly steamed vegetables. You can also add fiber by eating such things as brown rice, legumes and whole breads.

Can you eat Fentanyl Transdermal patch - with fiber?

No! You can not eat it with Fiber, with fruit, with nuts, with anything! Eating fentanyl will kill you!