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Q: What would happen if you changed the quantity of yeast in beer?
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What would happen if the reaction for baking did not happen?

Without yeast, dough would not rise or bake properly.

What happen when you mix yeast with salt?

The yeast die.

What would happen if you put a sample of the yeast and sugar solution in the refrigerator?

yeh i thought it would be cool to do this ... would it be achoholic

Will letting water-sugar-yeast mixture ferment for long time affect the quantity of ethanol produced?

Letting a water, sugar, and yeast mixture ferment for a long time does not affect the quantity of ethanol produced.

What can happen if it is to hot for the yeast when making alcohol?

then the yeast dies and the brew won't ferment.

How is cellulose changed so it can be used by yeast?


What would happen if yeast infection is leave untreated for several years?

Thats just nasty! Your coochie would be all fkd up!

What happen to dough if you put yeast to it?

I'm pretty sure its the yeast that makes it rise. did you know that yeast is actually a living organism? its alive.

What would happen to yeast if yeast was in fizzy drinks?

It would make the drink alcoholic (unless it was pure soda-water)! The yeast would feed on the drink's sugar, producing alcohol and carbon-dioxide. Eventually, and assuming the gas pressure did not burst the container, the yeast would be killed by its own metabolic waste - the alcohol - but by then your fizzy drink would be a very crude and probably very unpalatable wine. So don't try this at home, folks! Actually, yeast is in fizzy drinks, the ones called beer and sparkling wines.

Does yeast grow better in sugar water or salt water?

Yeast Grows much better in sugar water. They are micro organisms that need the sucrose in the sugar to activate and grow, without the sugar very little would happen. If you used salt water it would most likely kill the yeast.

What would happen if lactic acid fermentation did not occur in muscles?

We would die because are body would not be making ATP and are body's could not hold down yeast

What will happen if yeast was not used in food?

ITs Breast will deflate