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Q: What would happen if you do exercise only once in a month?
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Your period occurs once a month.

What event happen once every month?

a full moon

When does the new moon happen?

Thirteen times a year, or just over once a month.

How often does 5 weekends happen in one month?

Once every 11 years.

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When your body adjusts to your current exercise program.

Why doesn't solar or lunar eclipse happen at least once a month?

Because it's a very rare occasion

Does a full moon happen every month?

Yes it does , almost 3 times a mouth it happens. But sometimes it comes once or twice .!*

Why do we only see the full moon once a month?

Yes sometimes there are 2 full moons during one month. These do not happen very often and the second full moon is called a 'blue moon', hence the expression, "once in a blue moon".

Why would the Rear window pops open while driving?

as you go over bumps the latch slowly jiggles its way to near open then it just goes. happens to me about once a month. just open and close it about once a week or so and it doesnt happen as often

How bad is it to drink pop?

It depends. Do you drink pop five times a day or once every month?? Drinking pop is very bad if you drink it several times a day. Once or twice in a week or month is fine, but be sure to exercise to loss all the fat pop is feeding your body.

Where can you take your child to exercise?

If you are concerned with your child's exercise, you can take them to the park and take a light walk or jog. You and your child can go on biking or scooter trips. Even once a month trips to your local gym is a good idea. He/She can be familiar with the equiptment.

When is double xp on red dead redemption?

they have double exp roughly once ever month, they usually say a week before when it will happen