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Q: What would the police do if they caught a poor Victorian on the street?
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What would you find in a Victorian street?

old people

Why do the police take a picture of you?

so if you happen to get caught again they have proof that you did get caught and you would already be in their system.

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depends what you were shop lifting but , probably yes I would guess not. They will probably complete an in house report and keep it on record in case they catch you again. If caught again, they'll probably call the police. what if it was just a 2 dollarthing would the police be involved

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The charge would be "being found in possession of drugs paraphanalia".

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In the UK if you were caught in possession of an illegal narcotic by the police but had no ID on you and refused to speak or answer any questions at all put to you what would happen?

You would still be arrested - and held at a police station until your identity could be proven.

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Quantity will be considered.Intent will be considered.Age will be considered.And any number of other variables will influence the Court.being caught with marijuana is a misdemeanor but with intent to sell can be classified as a felony

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They would stay a day or two but not long since they were on the run and didn't want to be caught by the police or slave catchers!

Where you call for street hooker in Buffalo NY?

The nearest police station would probably be the most appropriate place to report this.

What happens if you are 15 and get caught driving without a permit?

Well 1st of all you should not have been driving with out a permit. Can you imagine what would have happened if you got caught by the police?! Don't do it again. You most certainly would have gone to jail! BE SMART..YOUR 15...THINK!

Is it legal to download music if the creator wants people to have it for free?

yes it is elligal because if you get caught by the police you would be in jail for over about (6) months

Why do people despise police officers?

Pretty simple. In most cases with encounters with police its because you broke the law and are being caught. It's pretty dumb that they know there are rules and regulations to follow and decide to break them then get mad because they got caught. Would you like the person who is making you pay a fine, arresting you, taking away your liberties? People who despise the police are people who break the law. If you don't break the law why would you have reason to hate a police officer who is trying to get your stolen wallet back for you?