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everything i touched will turn to chocolate.

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Hunter Quitzon

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2y ago
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12y ago

Everyone could eat any one they want but all chocolate ain't good

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Q: What would you do if everything you touched turned to chocolate?
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I'm not sure what would make you think it didn't. Remember that in story telling, some things are assumed. Once it was established that everything he touched turned to gold, you don't need to keep saying that the things he touched turn to gold. It can be assumed.

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Dionysus (not Apollo) granted Midas the ability to turn everything he touched into gold, because he treated his (Dionysus') old friend Silenus so hospitably. Midas was delighted at first, but this changed when he found that his food and drink turned to gold too, as well as any people he touched, including his own daughter.

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No. If you eat a lot of chocolate, yes, it eventually will. However, everything in moderation is okay. Dark chocolate is better for you than milk, and will not make you as overweight as quickly as regular chocolate would. That does not mean that you can eat a lot of it- everything must be eaten in moderation.

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Is the 'Midas Touch' a real Greek myth?

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Who was everything he touched turned to gold?

King Midas, king of Pessinus in Phrygia. King Midas. He was given the golden touch by Dionysus because that is what he wished for. When he realized what a mistake it was, he had to beg him to take it back and make everything back to the way it was.