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Go back to the person and be like "Wow you've really changed. Do you think you like me anymore?"

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Q: What would you do if you had a crush on someone you already rejected?
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How could you make a move to tell someone how really feel But if you already feel the rejection without words?

If you already feel rejected without words, and you then express some kind of interest or conceivably love, you may then get rejected with words as well. But even if that is how it turns out, you would not really be any more rejected than you already feel yourself to be. And that way you would at least be sure that your feeling of rejection was correct, and not just your own insecurity misleading you. So, give it a try.

What do you do when you love someone but at the same time you have crush?

Well love and crush are 2 different things if you love someone then your heart belongs to them if you have a crush on someone then you like them and they make you laugh so if i were you and i loveed someone but at the same time i had a crush on someone i would choose the person i love .

How do you tease a guy to make him interested in you to be able to reject him afterwards?

Why would you want to do this? It sounds very cruel; teasing someone just to have the opportunity to crush him later is mean. Would you want someone to do that to you? And if someone already has, you should not repeat something that hurt you in the past.

Why would a seco nd grader have a crush on someone?

Because they can.(:

Is it ok to have a crush on someone else and already be in a relationship?

Well what I think is if you have a relationship with someone that that person is the only person you like and have feelings for. But if you do have a crush on someone dont act on it, or talk to the person you are in a relationship and tell him/her what you are feeling and see what they say...But its best to forget about the crush because you are in a relationship. But if you dont want to be in the relationship you are in then break up with the person in a kind way and then go for your crush, but to tell you the truth I would stay with the person your in the relationship with because the person you have a crush on might not like you back and then you lose the person you were dating and the person you liked, so you could basically lose both of them.

Why would a girl ask if you are dating someone and who it is you are dating?

She's obviously has a crush on you.

What is the literal meaning of had a crush on?

The LITERAL meaning would be that something was crushing someone.

What if you like someone but the someone is going out with someone already what would you do?

Really all you can do is crush because you would'nt want to try and mess someone's relationship up that's just starting drama so just give a flirty signal and maybe he'll catch feelings and you just might be in luck :)

What do you do when you have a crush on someone who offers sex but not a relationship I rejected him and now our friendship is ruined what do I do?

Well you should just move on. Obviously he isn't someone you would want to date. He is just a one night stand. A player. If that is how he is then you shouldn't be his friend either. Just because you wouldn't have sex with him he doesnt talk or hang out with you anymore..? what does that tell you?

What peninsula does the Bahamas lie off?

Someone already asked (And was already answered by someone else), but the answer would be Florida.

Why do you think someone would cry when they think about kissing their crush?

they are probably nervous or are scard

Why would someone crush on weird you?

Because they see something in you that you dont and they think that it is unique