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Judaism began around 2000 BCE

Islam began in the 7th Century.

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Q: What year did Islam and Judaism start?
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What two religions did Judaism start?

Christianity and Islam.

How did Judaism Christianity and Islam start?

For Judaism, this link has the details:

Do Christians believe that Abraham started Judaism and Islam?

Abrahamic religions include Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i faith. Christianity recognize Judaism but not Islam. Islam recognizes Judaism, Christianity but not Baha'i faith. And finally Baha'i faith recognizes Judaism, Christianity and Islam all together. And obviously he did not start anything. He simply preached the word of God, i.e. the holy revelations.

What are the three great monotheistic faiths?

Islam, Judaism and Christianity.

What three religions claim palestine as the Holy Land?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have all claimed the Holy Land for themselves.

What religion was formed first Protestantism Judaism Christianity or Islam?

Islam was formed last

What is the order of youngest to oldest religion?

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What are the Abraham faiths?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam religions.

Where did Christianity Judaism and Islam start?

answer1. Islam started in 600-800 CE2. Christianity sarted in 20-200 CE3. judaism stated 4000 years agoanswerActually, the previous answer doesn't say where these religions started.Judaism and Christianity started in Israel. Islam started in Saudi Arabia.

Which of the following are Abrahamic faiths?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are the Abrahamic faiths.

What year Islam start?

Islam was declared to human being by Abraham.

What are Islam and Judaism?

Islam and Judaism are two distinct monotheistic religions that share part of their history.