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thereis two kind of Islamic calendar:

Hijri Ghamari and Hijri Shamsi

Hijri means Immigration and is starting date of calendar and is the date prophet Immigrated from mecca to Medina.

ghamari means moon and year is calculated by moon. when moon turns 12 times around earth its one year.

Shamsi or Jalili means by sun and when sun turns one time around earth its one year.

ghamari year is shorter than Shamsi year 10 days.

now is 1432 ghamari and 1390 shamsi

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13y ago

2011 is 1432 in the Muslim (Islamic) Calendar

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12y ago

the 13th day of the 10th month of the 1432nd year

or go on aljazeera net and it will tell you on the corner in the right

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11y ago

It is the year 1433 on Muslim Lunar Calendar.

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10y ago

the year 1432 Yahoo heheh hope it helps

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Q: What year is it on the Muslim calendar?
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The Muslim calendar begins with the year of the Hijra because that was when it was made.

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Muhammad's departure to Yathrib is known as the Hijrah. The year the Hijrah took place marks the begining of the Islamic era and is recognized as the first year of the Muslim calendar.

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No, the beginning of the Muslim calendar is not the western year 70 CE. The Muslim calendar, also known as the Hijri calendar, starts from the year when Prophet Muhammad migrated from Mecca to Medina, which is equivalent to 622 CE in the western calendar.

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If you're Muslim, then you want to have seen that your gran or your mother is conniving days otherwise. So mainly, they calculate dates and days supported the Muslim calendar. particularly Muslims like the Muslim calendar to celebrate their festivals and alternative things. If we tend to observe the Muslim calendar, then it's chiefly supported the calendar. The calendar could be a calendar that's supported the movement of the moon. it's supported the moon and it's referred to as the calendar. In the Muslim calendar, it's supported the Muslim calendar, that is additionally referred to as the Hijri calendar. during this calendar, the months area unit divided into twelve months and also the days area unit divided into thirty days. The Muslim calendar could be a calendar. it's supported the movement of the sun. The Muslim calendar could be a satellite Muslim calendar. it's a calendar that's supported the movement of the moon.

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When is Ramidan?

Since the Muslim calendar a lunar calendar of approximately 355 days, Muslim holidays come 10 or 11 days earlier each year. In 2007, the month of Ramadan started in September.

How are Gregorian and Muslim calenders similar?

They each have twelve months but the Islamic calendar has 354 days in a year. Very little else is similar as the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar.

How are the Gregorian and Muslim calenders similar?

They each have twelve months but the Islamic calendar has 354 days in a year. Very little else is similar as the Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar.

The year 1 of the Muslim calendar dates from what event in the life of Muhammad?

escape from Mecca to Medina

Why doesn't Ramadan fall at the same time every year?

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