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The short answer is to quit eating sugar, or at least substantially reducing your daily sugar intake.

Age has no bearing on whether you can lose 50 pounds using this method.

Just understand that you need first, to understand what foods contain sugar, and therefore what foods to avoid, and secondly, the first four weeks is pretty tough when quitting sugar.

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10y ago
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15y ago

well, to start off with, cut out any unhealthy snacks, and swap them for fruit or low fat foods, then choose a form of excercise you enjoy, and do it for at least an hour everyday. put portions of vegetables with your dinner and cut out large amounts of red meat. eat your 5 a day, try not to have to much fizzy juice and eat only non sugar cereals or fruit for breakfast.

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12y ago

Well, first ask yourself how you got there! Once you have found this then you can target the issue, be it over-eating, not doing any (or little) exercise, or a companation of the two. Personally, when I was around 9, I was really overweight, however now ( I am 13 ) I have a healthy weight of around 120 lbs. Now, all this took was regular exercise and healthy eating. When I say this I certainly do not mean work out at the gym for 3 hours a day and eat grass, but just do everything in moderation ( I have downed plenty of steaks in my post chubby days!) . So, in short, if you want to lose weight healthly just do the following...

Eat well (around 1800 - 2000 calories per day)

Exercise regularly

Drink water

And be less stressed, many studies show that when you are stressed your body produces cortosil, a hormone that leads to weight gain. Also, you are more likely to eat exsessivly if you are upset.

thanks for reading!

PS. take up sports like tennis or swimming. I lost 90% of my weight through these sports!

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14y ago

First, you need to go online and calculate your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). It's how many calories you burn a day doing absolutely nothing. Assuming that you're a female, I've done this for you. Most websites seemed to say that to maintain your current weight, you should eat 2,300 calories a day. Subtract from this a 500 calorie deficit, and that's the amount of calories you should eat a day to lose 1 lb/week. Add on to this some exercise (you don't need to do too much, but at least 30 minutes of exercise 4 times a week is good. Walk the dogs, climb stairs, etc. There's lots you can do without a gym.) Also, resistance training is good as well. Good luck (: and remember you should never eat less than 1200 calories a day.

Exercise is a very healthy way to maintain weight. It also hugely improves cognitive and learning skills, and even accelerates the rate and quality that your brain reproduces neural connections.

That said, losing weight is 90% about your diet. Eat 5-6 Small meals a day. Limit your portions by taking smaller portions, or by removing 1/2 or 3/4 of your meal and saving it for later BEFORE you start eating. Eat your carbs in the morning. You're more likely to burn these calories throughout the day. That said, if you're going to eat more than a "handful" of carbs, you'll want them to be complex carbs... no processed flours or grains, whole grain only. These will be more nutritious, have more flavor, and they will break down more slowly, keeping you full longer. Quinoa is a great grain, as it's very versatile, tasty, nutritious and high in protein.

Eat something high protein, low fat for lunch. Carbs tell your body to release serotonin which will make you more sleepy after lunch. Protein is a great source of energy and will not make you sleepy like carbs tend to.

Dinner should always be low-calorie. You're body will not be using these calories while you sit around in the evening or while you're sleeping, so they end up getting stored as fat on your body.

That covers three of the 5-6 meals. The other three should be healthy snacks that keep you more full and less likely to crave junk food. Eat those carrots or undressed chicken.

Any endeavor like this will take time and patience. Like saving money, you will watch your progress accelerate as you get better at it and as you develop habits and stick to them.

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13y ago

Losing weight quickly is not always the right way to go; lots of people go on starvation diets, lose weight, and later gain it all back; then they start over again, and may gain and lose weight many times, in a process known as yo-yo dieting, which is not good for your health. I would recommend a moderate, nutritious diet, which will enable you to lose weight slowly, but also to maintain your lower weight. Plan a diet and stick to it. Do not snack between meals. If you increase your amount of physical activity, even by such simple means as taking a walk, that will also help to burn calories.

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12y ago

There is no good way to lose weight quickly. It is better to do it more slowly because that will help to stop the weight from returning. What you should do is cardio exercise, cut right down on refined processed carbohydrates (apart from the occasional treat), and eat more lean protein, fresh vegetables, and a little fresh fruit.

Cutting out junk food can help you to lose weight. You just shouldn't try starving yourself because it usually doesn't work and you end up so hungry that you just overeat

For more in-depth information about the best ways to lose weight by both diet and exercise, please see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

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14y ago

1) Get a full check up from a reputed Hospital 2) Consult a nutritionist from the same hospital 3) Go for one hour walk in the morning and one hour walk in the evening 4) Join a good Gym

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13y ago

jump rope everylike 500-800 times. it doesnt take that long i can do 100 jumpropes in like 3 mins. jumpropes are the best calorie burners

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17y ago

count your calories, and eat less

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Q: Whats the fastest way to lose weight ASAP for a 16 year old whom is 214 lbs and 5'3?
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Healthy eating, jogging, and resisting carbs for awhile.

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I suggest you the Smoothie Diet program is an excellent program to lose weight , i will give u more details ... contact me via email : haronealgerino@Gmailcom