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Q: When did Britain get rid of the stamp act?
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What was the effect of Britain passing the Stamp Act?

Britain passed the stamp act because they needed more of this:$$$

What act passed in Britain resulted in the frist colonial boycott a British goods?

stamp act

What was the British reaction to the Stamp Act protests?

The British did not like the Stamp Act because it caused the colonies to boycott trade with Great Britain. As a result, the Parliament of Great Britain repealed the Stamp Act and replaced it with the Declaratory Act.

How did the colonies get rid of the stamp act?

the way that the colonie

Colonists reacted to taxes imposed by the British by?

The colonists were angry because of the famous line "no taxation without representation." Britain kept passing acts and the colonists had no say. The Sugar Act and Townshend Acts had been passed before the Stamp Act. In the end, Britain did repeal (get rid of) the Stamp Act, but then passed an act requiring the colonists to house British soldiers.

Where was stamp act document written?

In Britain. Dur.

What did Great Britain create in 1765?

The Stamp Act

What is the year of repeal of stamp act?

On March 18, 1766, the Parliament of Great Britain repealed the Stamp Act and passed the Declaratory Act.

What is the Stamp Act and how did it affect the colonists?

The Stamp Act was a tax on papers from Britain to the colonies. The colonists were to pay higher taxes in which they did not favor.

Stamp act in a sentence?

Britain keep stamp acting every thing with out talking to the Americans.

How did Britain respond when the stamp act passed?

they responded happy

Why did Britain pass the stamp act?

to screw up their economy