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It pretty much has run off and on since the end of WWII, when Israel became a recognized country.

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Q: When did the war between the Gaza Strip and Israel start?
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Who promised the Gaza strip to israel?

Nobody did that, and the Gaza Strip is not part of Israel.

The Gaza strip is located between?

Egypt and israel=]

What year did the war between Gaza and Israel start?

There is no war between Gaza and Israel.

When was the Gaza strip made?

It was made by the armistice between Egypt and Israel in 1949.

Why is the Gaza Strip so important to Israel What country does the Gaza strip belong to What is the whole conflict between Israel and Gaza?

There are three questions here that have each been answered separately. See the Related Questions below.

What religions were involved in the Gaza war?

The usual in Israel; Judaism trying to survive, and Islam complaining when Israel doesn't feed the Gaza Strip (they were firing rockets into Israel from the Gaza Strip).

Does Israel want to control Gaza strip?


What is located between Israel and the Mediterranean sea?

Northern and central Israel are on the Med. Southern Israel is separated from the Mediterranean Sea by the Gaza Strip.

Is the Gaza strip part of Israel?

No. According to the Oslo Accords in 1993, the Gaza Strip officially belongs to the Palestinian Authority. It is currently occupied by the Hamas Paramilitary/Terrorist Group.

Why can't the two countries just share the Gaza Strip?

Ironically, the Gaza Strip is the only territory in the entirety of the former Mandate of Palestine (Israel and the Palestinian Territories) that is not actually contested between the Israeli and Palestinian governments. Israel ceded significant control of the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority in 1993 and subsequently gave it full control in 2005.The reason that there have been numerous wars in the Gaza Strip is because the Hamas government that currently rules over the Gaza Strip has a policy that peace with Israel is impossible and continues to lash out against Israel. If the Gaza Strip was more willing to behave peacefully with its neighbors (both Egypt and Israel), there would be fewer conflicts in the Gaza Strip. (Even Palestinians are getting tired of Hamas as can be seen in the parody of the "Thank You Hamas" videos.)

Is the Gaza Strip in war?

No, it has been blockaded by Israel.

Is the Gaza Stripe part of Israel?

The Gaza Strip is an anomaly. It was part of Egypt, but when Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty, Egypt refused to take back the Gaza Strip. Under international law, it was considered part of Israel, but Israel does not believe in occupying other areas, so they declined to take over the Gaza Strip. It is not part of any country, nor is it independent.