

When do you vote for president?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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The next US presidential election will take place on 2012 November 6.

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Q: When do you vote for president?
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Related questions

Do the people really vote for president?

No, the vote for president is called the popular vote and that does not count. When you cast your vote for president, you are actually voting for the electors to vote for the president.

Who casts the deciding vote when there is a the vote in senate?

The Vice-President, who is President of the Senate, can vote to break a tie vote.

Who is the president of the senate and who can that person vote?

That is the Vice President of the US. They only vote when there is a tie vote.

Who is the the presedant of the senate and when may the person vote?

Maryana Pinchuk is the president and will never vote as long as she/he is president . They will vote when they are not the president of the senate.

How many citizens have to vote for a president?

No one is forced to vote for president

Can the president vote for the next president?

Yes, the president is eligible to vote for the next president, but , of course, he gets only one vote like every other citizen.

In what type of situatuion can a president vote?

The president can vote in elections, just like you and me.

Can everyone in US vote for President?

Citizens of the US can vote for president in the US.

Does South Korea vote to get a president?

Yes, you need to vote in South Korea to be president. You can vote from 18 and over.

Can you vote once for president and once for vice president?

no. the vice president is chosen by the presedential nominee, whom you vote for.

Do you vote for the president every 2 years?

No, you vote for the president every 4 years.

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Vote for the president