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Valence electron - Sodium loses one electron to form a sodium ion (valence of 1).

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Q: When sodium and chlorine react the outermost electron of the sodium atom is?
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Why sodium has valency 1 and chlorine also 1?

Sodium has a valence of +1, because it has 1 valence electron, which it will readily lose to form compounds with non-metals. Chlorine has a valence of -1, because it needs 1 electron to fill its outer electron energy level (it already has 7). Like sodium, it is easy for chlorine to do this, since it only needs one. In fact, sodium and chlorine easily react with each other to from sodium chloride, or salt.

Type of bond formed between Na and Cl?

Sodium chloride (NaCl) does not react with chlorine. The bond between sodium and chlorine atoms to form sodium chloride is ionic. The sodium ion loses one electron to the chlorine atom, forming a Na+ ion and a Cl- ion. The electrostatic attraction between the two oppositely charged ions forms the ionic bond.

Will Lithium Sodium or Potassium react the fastest?

As it has more electron shells between the nucleus and the outermost electron, and as group 1 elements react by losing there outermost electron, the more shielding effect between the nucleus and the electron, the smaller the force of attraction on the electron, so the more readily it will react as less energy is needed to break the bond between the outer electron and the positive nucleus.

Will chlorine react with sodium chloride?


Why is there an attraction between sodium and chlorine?

Sodium metal and chlorine gas do not "attract" each other. They react chemically - sodium metal is oxidised - losing one electron- chlorine is reduced gaining one. The two resulting oppositely charged ions, Na+ and Cl- form the ionic compound NaCl

Related questions

When sodium and chlorine react they form?

Sodium and Chlorine form Sodium Chloride when they react. This is because the cation of sodium is added to the anion of chlorine.

What kind of ions do a sodium atom and a chlorine atom become when a valance electron is transferred one to the other?

First off sodium. Sodium is an alkali metal and when alkali metals react they lose an electron. When an atom loses an electron, it becomes positively charged. Chlorine is in the halogen family and when they react they gain one electron, when an atom gains an electron, it becomes negative charged. So, Sodium=Positive Chlorine=Negative I got this as an homework question yesterday, took like 5mins but i finally figured it out :)

Why elemental sodium react and chlorine react so readily?

Sodium has only one electron to lose to become very stable and Chlorine has only 1 to gain to become stable. So this is overall a very favorable reaction energetically.

What charge does the Na and CI atoms acquire when they react?

Sodium loses one electron, therefore Na+ Chlorine gains an electron, therefore Cl-

Why sodium has valency 1 and chlorine also 1?

Sodium has a valence of +1, because it has 1 valence electron, which it will readily lose to form compounds with non-metals. Chlorine has a valence of -1, because it needs 1 electron to fill its outer electron energy level (it already has 7). Like sodium, it is easy for chlorine to do this, since it only needs one. In fact, sodium and chlorine easily react with each other to from sodium chloride, or salt.

Type of bond formed between Na and Cl?

Sodium chloride (NaCl) does not react with chlorine. The bond between sodium and chlorine atoms to form sodium chloride is ionic. The sodium ion loses one electron to the chlorine atom, forming a Na+ ion and a Cl- ion. The electrostatic attraction between the two oppositely charged ions forms the ionic bond.

Will Lithium Sodium or Potassium react the fastest?

As it has more electron shells between the nucleus and the outermost electron, and as group 1 elements react by losing there outermost electron, the more shielding effect between the nucleus and the electron, the smaller the force of attraction on the electron, so the more readily it will react as less energy is needed to break the bond between the outer electron and the positive nucleus.

Why does metallic sodium react violently with water while sodium chloride does not?

Sodium is an element which has one electron in its outer electron shell, and which can obtain a more stable electron configuration by getting rid of that electron. This causes it to undergo chemical reactions with other elements such as oxygen or chlorine, which need to acquire electrons in order to obtain a more stable electron configuration. If sodium reacts with water, it is reacting with the oxygen in the water molecule. In the case of sodium chloride, the sodium has already reacted with chlorine to form that compound, and has given up its outer electron, so it no longer needs to react with oxygen in water.

Why are sodium and chlorine a good match for making a molecule?

Because sodium has the configuration of [Ne]3s1 it will empty the 3s orbital and create an ion with a charge of Na1+. Chlorine will do the opposite. Its configuration is [Ne]3s2,2p5 it will gain a electron to fill its s and p orbital. Because sodium doesnt want its extra s electron and chlorine is looking to gain a p electron, when the two react the electron is transferred to the chlorine. Their electronegativity is so far apart the it forms a stable Sodium Chloride molecule.

What can you observe when Sodium and Chlorine react?

Naturally, Sodium is a metal (solid) and chlorine is a gas, so they only react at high temperatures or pressure. When they do react, they form crystals (sodium chloride).

Will chlorine react with sodium chloride?


Is table salt formed when the ions of sodium and chlorine combine?

Table salt is formed when sodium atoms and chlorine atoms react to form ions.Sodium atoms have 11 electrons and chlorine atoms have 17. In order to have a stable octet ( a full outer shell), the Sodium atom must lose one electron and the Chlorine atom must gain 1.If the sodium atom gives one electron to chlorine, they will both be stable.This is how table salt is formed.