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A dirty bomb is an explosive device designed to eject or spray radioactive material over a small area. It does not produce mass amounts of fallout compared to a traditional nuclear device, since there is no fission involved. A conventional explosive such as those used on Oklahoma City, Beirut or the first World Trade Center attack, if packed with powdered or pelleted radioactive material (strontium, plutonium, etc.) would eject that material into buildings, parks, streets and people in the surrounding area. While the immediate death count would be low, many people would suffer from radiation sickness. Cleanup would be massively expensive and time-consuming. An area of several square miles would likely be uninhabitable for years.

Potential terrorists would buy the material on the black market from sources such as former Soviet Union countries, North Korea or the Middle East. Getting it refined in secret would be somewhat difficult. Transporting it to the target area would also be hard but not impossible.

*** I agree with the first part of the above answer, however anyone who is even fairly determined can get radioactive material. it is found is some medical equiptment, and other sources. The radio active material can be put in a regular pipe, or car bomb. If exploded in a populated area it would spread the radioactive materiel over a large area. Large numbers of people would have increased rates of cancer and other radation sicknesses. Other people would likely be injured by the direct blast and first responders would be in danger when going into rescue the wounded. The history (discovery, one of them) did a show on what would happen if a terrorist attacked with either a dirty bomb or a full atomic bomb. They did a good job and it is worth watching.

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Q: When talking about the so called dirty bomb what are various kinds of weapons and how likely is it that terrorists will be able to obtain a weapon which will have a devastating impact?
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