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Q: When was the word blitz first used in Britain?
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How can you use the word blitz in a sentence?

The Germans did a blitz on Great Britain during World War 2.

Where was blitz takes place?

All over Britain it was called the blitz as a nickname for Blitzerieg a German word!

The British press used Bliltz to refer to what type of German warfare?

Blitz comes from the German word "blitz krieg" meaning lightning war, it was the bombing of Britain during wwII. Yes, as above, the Blitz was the bombing of the British cities following the Battle of Britain in the autumn of 1940 & the first part of 1941. Blitzkreig was the combination of the use of panzer (Armoured) forces coupled with dive bombers & rapid movement through a spearhead (Schwerpunkt) attack.

Where did the word blitz come from?

Blitz is the German word for lightning.

What is another word for the blitz?

The word Blitz comes from the German word blitzkrieg, or "lightning war".

How was the blitz called the blitz?

The name blitz came from the word blitzkrieg which was the German way of saying lighting war. So the word blitz comes from lighting war.

What does the world blitz mean?

The word Blitz is the German word meaning lighting. The correct term for what many call the blitz is the Blitzkrieg, which means lighting war. The Blitzkreig is the war stratagy used by the Germans to invade enemy countries during World War 2

What word descibed the air war that led to the bombing of English cities?

The Blitz, this came as a change of tactics after the battle of Britain in 1940 & 1941. Not to be confused with the Blitzkreig.

Was the blitz in World War 1 or 2?

World War 2, blitz is short for "blitzkreig"

What do the German call the blitz?

Blitz is the German word for Lightning: Blitzkrieg being Lightning War.

Can you make a alliterative sentence with the word blitz?

Big Beefy Boys Brutally Blitz Babies

Where does the name blitz originate?

Blitz is derived from, or a shortened form of the German word Blitzkrieg, which means lightening. Blitz became a common place word in the English speaking world during World War Two when it was used to describe the quick, coordinated, and destructive air raids by German forces. It is common now to use the term to describe football plays and advertising tactics.