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It is not getting squished you are just an idiot!

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Q: When you heat a can with water in it and you then put it in a container containing room temperature water and you put the can in there why does it get squished?
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What is the temperature of tap water placed outside in sun for 6 hours?

That would depend on many factors, such as the material the container is made of, the color of the container, how much water is in the container, and the starting temperature of the water. You really need to measure the temperature after six hours with a thermometer.

Which container contains water with lower initial temperature?

You think probable to a Dewar container.

How fast will a surface of water 20ft x 40ft x 20inches freeze?

It depends upon the temperature of the water, the temperature of the container and the temperature of the atmosphere.

How can you boil water at a temperature lower than 100 celsiuse?

Place the container of water in a vacuum & it should start to boil at room temperature.

How much time does it take water to freeze?

That depends on the amount of water, the temperature, the shape of the container that holds the water.

A large and a small container of water with the same temperature have?

They have the same vapor pressures.

What do you think causes the difference in the hotness or coldness of water inside the container?

the temperature

What do you use to test a gas?

hydrogen: place a lighted splint into the container containing hydrogen, the result is a squeaky pop.oxygen: place a glowing splint (a blowout splint) into the container containing oxygen, the result is the splint relighting.carbon dioxide: bubble the gas through lime-water, the result is the lime-water turning milky/cloudy.ammonia: place DAMP litmus paper over the container containing ammonia, the result is the litmus paper turning blue.

What outdoor temperature does bottled spring water freeze outdoors?

Water freezes at 32*F regardless of its container, or lack of container. As long as the water hasn't been altered with preservatives, flavors, colorants or other ingredients the temperature at which it will freeze doesn't change.

What if someone heats a beaker containing water. And the temperature of the water increases which change to the water molecules occurs?

no one has an answer smh

If air is evacuated from a closed container of water how will this affect the boiling point of water?

it lowers the boiling pt temperature