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Q: When you see egg white and stretchy does it mean your pregnant?
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Is it take time to get pregnant if you have a white discharge problem?

I'm not sure what you mean by "problem" but typically cervical discharge during ovulation has an "egg-white" consistency.

What does egg white mucus mean in late pregnancy?

Egg white mucus appears during your fertile time of the month. Once you ovulate it becomes thick and white. It stays that way through implantation and until your period comes. If you are pregnant it will stay thick and white.

When the egg is fertelized does it mean your pregnant?

Not until the egg is attached to the uterus wall are you pregnant and the test wont show anything until then.

How can you tell if a white goldfish is pregnant?

Goldfish of any type are all egg laying fish which means that they do not get pregnant

What do bettas look like if pregnant?

they have a white egg tube coming out of them and are plump

What does it mean if you get nutted in but dont get pregnant?

The egg was not available (only for 24 hours), something wrong with the egg or the sperms. Normal time to get pregnant can be a year.

Is a stretchy egg white discharge a sign of early pregnancy?

No not necessarily. Woman can naturally have a white discharge, implantation bleeding, frequent urination, tender or sore breasts etc... Are symptoms. If you think you may be pregnant do some research and see if you have pregnancy symptoms also I recommend taking a pregnancy test or going to see a doctor... And if your discharge concerns you consult your gynecologist and see what he/she tells you about it.

What does thick white vaginal discharge mean?

When vaginal discharge becomes thin and stretchy this is also called "egg white cervical mucus" it appears when a woman is most fertile , during ovulation week , this type of cervical discharge aids sperm to swim faster and survive longer in the reproductive system , to produce pregnancy , the stretchy vaginal discharge may come right before or during ovulation , and may last a few days after ovulation .

What does egg white cervical mucus mean when you are pregnant?

Increased mucus is just another part of being pregnant. As long as it is clear to cloudy with no foul odor / burning, it is normal. Check with your medical care provider if you have any questions.

This is for icing what to use if you do not have white?

White? Do you mean egg whites for a meringue icing? If so, you can't substitute for egg whites unless you have purchased powdered egg whites. Do you mean white as a color and flavor? Any color/flavor will do, depending on your taste.

What does the word conceive mean?

Become pregnant. It happens when the sperm fertilisies the egg and the egg implants in the wall of the uterus (womb).

What the word conceived mean?

Become pregnant. It happens when the sperm fertilisies the egg and the egg implants in the wall of the uterus (womb).