

Where did science originate?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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10y ago

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The logical reasoning of the ancient Greeks undergirds all modern science. Their systems of thought and writings were combined with other teachings from the East (Chinese and Indian) and transmitted via Islamic and Jewish thinkers to Europe, where the Enlightenment set the stage for fields of knowledge and learning based on observable and verifiable facts which are tested against falsifiable hypotheses.

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The answer is debatable. The first recorded use of scientific method was by William Gilbert in 1600 in his publication, "On the Magnet, Magnetic Bodies and The Great Magnet Earth." He used scientific method to study the varying properties of magnets long before the term "scientific method" was coined. He discovered that the Earth itslef was a giant magnet and used that knowledge to solve the problem of "declination," the phenomenon whereby compass needles on ocean vessels would begin pointing downward toward the earth if the vessel was sailed too far north or south. He created the Declinometer which basiclly open the whole world to navigators.

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