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In Western Africa, Islam was able to penetrate all the way up to the Sahel region but was unable to make it successfully to the tropical central African kingdoms or to reach the southern seashore of West Africa. In East Africa, Islam pushed further south, but hugged the eastern coast and the Horn of Africa.

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Q: Where did the deepest penetration of Islam occur in Africa south of the Sahara?
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What two factors contributed to the spread of Islam in Africa?

Trade routes across the Sahara desert allowed for the exchange of goods and ideas, facilitating the spread of Islam in Africa. Muslim merchants and scholars played a role in spreading the religion through their interactions with local communities and rulers, influencing them to convert to Islam.

What religion is practiced in Western Sahara?


Is The major religion of the people of the Sahara Islam?


How do people in North Africa differ from people in the sub-Sahara?

People in North Africa tend to have a more Arab-Berber cultural influence due to historical interactions with the Arab world, while people in the sub-Sahara have more diverse ethnic backgrounds with various indigenous tribes. Additionally, North Africans mostly practice Islam, while the sub-Sahara has a mix of religions including Islam, Christianity, and traditional African religions. Geographically, North Africa is more connected to the Middle East and Mediterranean region, while the sub-Sahara is located south of the Sahara desert with different environmental and climatic conditions.

The spread of Islam to lands south of the Sahara came about through?

Instead, the usual pattern for the spread of Islam south of the Sahara was through gradual and peaceful conversion.

Is Islam the first religion in Africa?

Yes islam is the fist religion in africa

What first brought Islam to Africa?

Trade brought Islam to West Africa. :)

What was the relationship between Islam and the indigenous religions of Africa?

In North Africa, all polytheistic or animist African religions that may have existed prior to Islam have been completely supplanted by it. South of the Sahara, Islam has merged in many cases with these beliefs creating syncretic forms of Islam, especially in the southern Sahel.

Which religion did Muslims bring to western Africa?

Islam. Islam is the dominant religion in Africa.

Why is Islam so important to Western Sahara?

Islam is not of particular importance to Sahraouis (the people of Western Sahara). The population of Western Sahara is almost 100% Maliki Sunni Muslim, but they are no more traditional or religious than neighboring populations in Morocco, Algeria, and Mauritania.

What geographic feature most likely prevented the spread of Islam farther south at this time?

The geographic feature that most likely prevented the spread of Islam farther south at one point was the vast Sahara Desert in North Africa. Its harsh climate and challenging terrain made it difficult for early Muslim armies to easily conquer and convert peoples living in the region.