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The US dead in the attack on Hawaii were from all over the US. Most of the men killed were sailors in the US Navy. There were about 2400 men killed, and around 1800 were Navy men, around 400 were Army men, and the rest were Marines.

Almost half the men who were killed died on the USS Arizona when it blew up. The peacetime Navy had allowed brothers to join up and serve together. There were 77 pairs of brothers who died on the Arizona, among the nearly 1200 men killed aboard her.

Over 400 more Navy sailors died on the USS Oklahoma when it turned over.

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Q: Where did us soldiers that died in the attack of pearl harbor come from?
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Cause the US stopped sending Japan resources so they got pissed and they started planning to destroy Pearl Harbor (very important military base).Ima 12 year old with general knowledge :) im from kuwait.