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The US State Department estimates that there are "over 500,000" Americans living in Mexico at any given time. Marketers and real estate developers estimate over 1,000,000. The problem with the estimates is that Americans who have vacation homes in Mexico often do not bother to get the appropriate visa from the Mexican "Instituto Nacional de Migración".

An educated guess is the following: over 1 million Americans spend more than 90 days per year in Mexico. The largest concentration is the Mexico City Metropolitan Area with about 100,000 because of the fact that most US multinational corporations have their head offices there and that the US Embassy in Mexico City is the largest in the world outside of the Middle East (over 1,000 diplomats and their families). Nevertheless, there are sizeable US retiree populations in the Lake Chapala area in Jalisco (near Guadalajara), in Cancún-Riviera Maya, in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, and in different parts of the Baja California peninsula (two states: Baja California, with Tijuana, and Baja California Sur, with Los Cabos).

General information: there are over 300 million legal border crossings per year between the US and Mexico (it is the most crossed border in the world), there is over 350 billion dollars worth of trade (Mexico is the US' third most important trading partner) and there are over 27 million Mexicans and Mexican-Americans in the US (6 million undocumented, another 6 million with Green Cards and the rest are US citizens).

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