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The six major extermination camps were in Nazi-occupied Poland. There was also one in Belarus, which was also under Nazi occupation from 1941-1944. When the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, mobile killing squads followed and slaughtered Jews behind the lines in Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.

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Q: Where in the world did Adolf Hitler and his men kill the Jews in the holocaust?
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What did Adolf Hitler whant to do?

adolf Hitler wanted to rid the world of the Jews who he believed were the scum of the earth, during the holocaust Hitler killed many Jews.

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Adolf Hitler

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Adolf Hitler and his followers, the Nazis.

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Adolf's Hitler goal in the holocaust was to get rid of all the Jews from Germany.

What killed millions of Jews during world war 2?

In 5 words buddy, Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust.

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Anti-semitism is when someone is against Jews. The holocaust (world war ll) was the killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazis led by Adolf Hitler.

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Jews migrated to Mexico to escape Hitler

Why did Adolf Hitler come up with the Holocaust?

Beacuse he dones not like Jews

Who killed the Jews in world war 2?

The Nazis killed the Jews for Hitler. In addition, there were many other anti-Semites in occupied Europe who were happy to help in the Holocaust.

Who was the mass murder of European Jews and other people by Adolf Hitler during world war 2?

Holocaust. This was done by the Germans under the orders of Hitler in WWII.

What was the execution of the Jews called?

Adolf Hitler called it "The Final Solution" but the Allied Forces called it murder. They called it "The Holocaust".

Fact about the Holocaust?

One fact about the Holocaust is that Jews were killed because Adolf Hitler wanted one race in Germany/Europe and Jews weren't that race.