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Carbon Dioxide is heavier than air so the monitor will work best near the floor. However is your monitor for Carbon Dioxide or Carbon Monoxide.

If the latter, CO detectors can be placed near the ceiling or near the floor because CO is very close to the same density as air.

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Q: Where is a carbon dioxide monitor to be mounted top of wall or next to floor?
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Can gases shapeshift?

Gases will take on the shape of the container it is in. Carbon dioxide, for example, will take on the shape of the container, but if emptied from the container, the carbon dioxide, being heavier than air, will sink to the floor and then spread out across the floor.

Can carbon dioxide come from wood burning furnaces?

Yes, however, wood can be carbon neutral.The process of burning wood also does not emit any additional carbon dioxide than the natural biodegradation of the wood if it were left to rot on the forest floor. Over the course of a tree's life it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and then releases this carbon dioxide when it either decomposes naturally or is burned. For this reason, no extra CO2 is added to the atmosphere, it simply releases the carbon dioxide that was previously accumulated back into the environment. Wood is a very environmentally friendly source of fuel because it is carbon neutral. Fossil fuels on the other hand, are not carbon neutral.

Why did the dry ice smoke falls to the floor and flow downwards?

Dry ice, carbon dioxide, is more dense than air.

Should a CO monitor be placed near the floor?

You can place your CO monitor anywhere - by the floor or the ceiling, it doesn't really matter. CO is approximately the same density as air, meaning that it'll mix pretty evenly. When you install a CO monitor in your home, make sure you keep it away from your furnace or heating system. There will always be a small amount of carbon monoxide around the furnace, so if your furnace is running the CO monitor will constantly be alarming!

What is the total weight that comes with this stand can it be mounted to the floor?

210 lbs. Is not floor mountable.

If carbon monoxide leaked into your house would you predict that it would float to the top of the room or stay near the floor?

CO2 (Carbon dioxide) is more dense than air and therefore would sink to the floor.

How do fish on the ocean floor get their energy?

by oxygen or carbon dioxide mostly fishes swim in the surface of the water so they could get energy without getting energy they could die

Can a blimp filled with carbon dioxide float?

It can, if you fill the balloon with air and let it float on the carbon dioxide. We used to do this with soap bubbles to illustrate certain effects of surface tension (for example, the fact that bubbles of the same size form a planar interface, but the interface between bubbles of different sizes bulges towards the larger bubble, proving the pressure in the smaller one is higher... it's much easier to see this when the bubble isn't actively falling towards the floor as you're trying to observe it). Put a piece of dry ice in the bottom of a large bath jar, and allow the bubbles to float on the denser carbon dioxide layer in the jar. Filling a balloon with carbon dioxide, though, will not cause it to float, as carbon dioxide is denser than air.

How does the ocean act like a sink for carbon dioxide?

Atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in the water close to the surface of the ocean. As the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, therefore, so does the concentration of carbon dioxide in these surface waters. Most of the absorbed carbon is accommodated by chemical reactions between the water and carbon dioxide . But this 'buffering' capacity has limits and - if this water remains at the surface - it eventually becomes saturated with carbon dioxide. Surface water and deep water, however, are slowly but constantly overturning in a cycle of about 1000 years. As the surface waters move downwards - a process that occurs mainly in the North Atlantic and Southern oceans - it carries dissolved carbon dioxide down with it. As a result, about 75 per cent of the carbon that has been absorbed by the ocean since human activities began releasing carbon dioxide now resides in deeper waters. Overall, therefore, this process has recently been working as an important sink for carbon produced by human activity. Such downward transport, however, is relatively slow, and so it is ocean circulation - and not dissolution of carbon dioxide in surface waters - that limits carbon dioxide uptake by the oceans. Furthermore, models of the movement of oceanic water masses predict that in a warmer climate the sinking of surface water, and hence burial of carbon dioxide, will slow down, reducing the future role of the ocean as a carbon sink. Another way that the oceans absorb carbon is through the action of microscopic marine plants. When these organisms die, their bodies sink into deeper water. Although most of the carbon in the organisms decomposes to carbon dioxide before reaching the ocean floor, it is prevented from escaping back to the atmosphere (at least, until the oceans turn over). This biological uptake of carbon will probably increase in future, as changes in sea surface temperatures and chemistry lead to an increase in the growth of algae. But it will not be enough, however, to compensate for the reduced downward transport of water and dissolved carbon, and hence is unlikely prevent the overall ocean sink diminishing in the future. Inedeed sinks will probably never lead to a decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide whilst carbon dioxide emissions continue at their current level. Hope It Helped! ----------------------------------------------HomeworkHelper-----------------------------------------------------

Where is carbon mostly found?

the carbon in the atmosphere has happened since the beginning of time. global warming is a hoax, what al gore and those people are showing you are just seasonal changes. sometimes its hot, sometimes its cold. that's the way the world works.

How far off the floor should a sink be mounted?

the same height as your counters

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To provide sufficient air to prevent carbon dioxide buildup if the shelter is sealed