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Q: Where is lean muscle in body?
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What is lean body mass?

Your lean body mass consists of everything that is notfat:Muscle and organ tissue (but not fat tissue)BonesWater, blood and other body fluids

Lean tissue in the body consists of?

water, bone, and muscle

What is the difference in training for lean muscle and dense muscle?

Lean muscle is dense.

What is the ratio of body fat to lean body tissue including muscle bone water and connective tissue?

it has you in it

What is lean muscle mass?

an extra adjective that's not needed to describe muscle mass. Muscle mass is the amount of muscle in ones body as a % of their total weight.

Ratio of body fat to lean body tissue is what?

muscle composition, body composition, physical composition, or flexible composition

When do you take lean muscle x?

how and when do i take lean muscle x

Is lean body mass made up of bone?

the lean body mass is made up of muscles which you can make by intake of lots of protein in your daily diet along with a work out schedule.You will intake less carbohydrates and more protein to build your body lean and more cardio at Gym Usually new electronic scales determine % of body fat, water percentage and lean mass,but no indication of net muscle mass. So this lean mass should include oregans, visceras blood bones.. etc What percentage of total body weight should be expected from organs and visceras, bones etc in order to monitor the improvement or deterioration of lean muscle? thanks Kirkjdm

Does lean tissue contain a greater percentage of fluid compared with fat tissue?

Yes, lean tissue contains a higher percentage of fluid compared to fat tissue. Lean tissue, which includes muscles and organs, has a higher water content due to its role in various physiological functions. In contrast, fat tissue has a lower water content, which is one reason why lean tissue appears denser and more hydrated.

What is lean muscle?

it is very small

how do i gain healthy weight from lean muscle?

Focusing on cardio excercises that strengthens your heart will help to build lean muscle and have a healthier, longer life. The lean muscle weighs more than fat, but provides a toned physique.

What role does creatine play in the develpoment of lean muscle mass?

Creatine occurs naturally in the body and is an amino acid. Studies on the effect of creatine on the acquisition of lean muscle mass give mixed results though and the general consensus is that creatine can sometimes help with this, but not always.