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Equity crowdfunding is the process in which the crowd or the probable investors invest in any of the start-ups or any of the industries that are unlisted. In other words, the companies those are in the early stage of its establishment witness the investment from the people or the crowd. All these investments are done in lieu of the exchange of the shares.

By investing in the company, the investors get the authority of being the partial ownership of that company subjected to some of the stringiest of the terms and conditions. The fate of the investors depends completely on how well the company is performing. A good performing company, earning subsequent profit ensures that the investors are also going to gain some. On the other hand, a loss incurred by the company is going to make the investor lose either a part of their investment or the total investment.

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Catalonia, in southwestern Europe, is the place where technology is beginning to be used as a stimulus for better and more production culturally, economically, politically and socially. Emeka Forbes, in the article How Technology Powered the Catalan Referendum for the website Open Democracy Oct. 22, 2017, reconstructs Oct. 1, 2017, as a "day for democracy, powered by technology." The freelance journalist and former political advisor says that mobile hotspots enabled polling stations, predominantly within Catalonia's schools, to check voter IDs; that peer-to-peer messaging applications, such as FireChat and Telegram, respectively facilitated app-users communicating without active internet connections, through Bluetooth and short-range wifi signal alternatives, and locating polling stations; and that social media fostered worldwide knowledge of events and outcomes through live-streaming applications, such as Facebook, Periscope and Twitter.

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Q: Where is the use of technology beginning to be used as a stimulus for better and more production?
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