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Q: Where the biggest Salt Mine located in Pakistan?
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Where is the biggest salt mine located in Pakistan?


What are some mine facts?

The Khera salt mine located in pakistan is the 2nd biggest min in the world

Where is the biggest salt mine in Pakistan?

Punjab in West Pakistan

Where was the first biggest salt mine in Pakistan?

This salt mine is Khewra (Jhelum district, Punjab).

Which is the larest mine in Pakistan?

Khewra, the salt mine is the largest mine in Pakistan. Khewra has the largest deposits of rock salt and is situated in northern Punjab.

Where is first largest salt mine?

This salt mine is in Pakistan: Khewra (Punjab region).

Where is the salt in Pakistan?

The Khewra salt mine is very important and known.

Which is the biggest salt mine in world?

The largest salt mine in the world is located at Goderich Ontario Canada which is situated on the eastern shore of Lake Huron.There is a salt mine in Poland that has a church, a hospital, hotel in it. It is one of the world's largest.

Where the second largest salt mine in the world?

pakistan near panjab. khewra salt minethat is

Where is the Bex Salt Mine located?

The Bex Salt Mine is located in Bex, Switzerland. This salt mine has become an attraction for tourists, allowing them to see how salt is harvested. The tour includes a 1 kilometer ride on a trolley through the tunnel to get up close and personal while learning about salt mining.

Can you put hemilya salt in your food?

If you think to Himalayan salt this is from the mine of Khevra in Pakistan; this salt is impure, colored sodium chloride. You can put Himalayan salt on foods but it is ridiculous and useless.

How many salt ranges in Pakistan and where?

salt range on motorway pakistan