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Q: Where there many deaths in the Russian revolution?
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Russian dictator joseph stalin was responsible for the deaths of how many russians?

The Russian dictator Joseph Stalin was responsible for 400,000 deaths. This were the deaths of the Russians.

Which on your time line caused the deaths of 14 million Russians?

The Russian Civil War followed upon World War 1 to, between them, account for the deaths of 14 million Russians in the years 1914-1917(WW1) and 1917-1921 (Russian Revolution). Of the 2 the revolution accounted for the majority of deaths: 9 million.

Did tsar Alexander the 2 abolished serfdom before or after the Russian revolution?

The Russian revolution began with his death and the deaths of his wife and 6 children . He did not abolish serfdom. The whole point of the revolution was to overthrow the Czar and replace him with a government that controlled all aspects of living for the Russian people.

Which event on your time line caused the death of million Russians?

The Russian Civil War followed upon World War 1 to, between them, account for the deaths of 14 million Russians in the years 1914-1917(WW1) and 1917-1921 (Russian Revolution). Of the 2 the revolution accounted for the majority of deaths: 9 million.

How did world war1 contribute to the callapse of the Russian monarchy?

WW1 sparked the Bolshevik revolution because Tzar Nicholas sent millions of Russianpeasantsto their deaths on the front. This angered the Russian people and sparked the Bolshevik Revolution. The Bolshevik revolution pitted the Russian Monarchy against communists led byVladimirLenin. The Bolsheviks won, and the monarchy was murdered by extremists

Which event on your time line caused the death of 14 million Russians?

The Russian Civil War followed upon World War 1 to, between them, account for the deaths of 14 million Russians in the years 1914-1917(WW1) and 1917-1921 (Russian Revolution). Of the 2 the revolution accounted for the majority of deaths: 9 million.

How many battles were there during the Russian revolution?


What are some good creative titles for a Russian revolution story book?

"Echoes of Change: A Tale of the Russian Revolution" "Flames of Freedom: Stories from the Russian Revolution" "Revolving Fate: A Novel of the Russian Revolution" "Red Dawn: Fictional Accounts from the Russian Revolution"

Did the us enter the Russian revolution?

no the us did not enter the Russian revolution

The opposing of Czar led to the frnch revolution?

The opposing of the Russian Czar led to the Russian Revolution, the death of the Russian monarchy, and the establishment of the Russian Communist State. The French had nothing to do with the Russian Revolution.

What role did Italy play in the Russian revolution?

Italy was not involved in the Russian Revolution.

What does the animals rebellion represent in Animal Farm?

The Russian revolution