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It's in England you dummy. You came to before typing into Google? Is this your first time on the internet? The hell's the matter with you?

Where was Stonehenge found.

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Stonehenge is located in Wiltshire, near Avebury in the UK. It is just off of the A303, just North of Salisbury.

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Q: Where was the Stonehenge found?
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What weapons and objects were found in the Stonehenge grave?

Stonehenge is not a grave.

Where does the famous Stonehenge can be found?

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England

What was found in the Stonehenge?

At Stonehenge human remains were found as well as tools used to help constructing the henge.

What is Stonehenge believe to be?

Archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project in 2008 indicates that Stonehenge could have been a burial ground from its earliest beginnings

How was the Stonehenge found?

it has never been lost.

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Stonehenge was used to track the stars and, therefore, could be also identify the time of year it was.

Why was Stonehenge built in wiltshire?

Because there wasn't a suitable site in Dorset.

Is Stonehenge myth or a legend?

Stonehenge is a very real thing found in southern England, but the reasons for its creation are unknown. So no, I wouldn't really consider Stonehenge itself to be a myth or legend, but the reasons for its building are probably due to the builders' religion.

Who found the Stonehenge first?

Stonehenge is a human structure. People did not find it, they built it. It is believed to have been the work of Neolithic tribes, in the period of two to three thousand BC.