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95 thesis Although Justo Gonzalez records in his The Story of Christianity that there was a set of 99 theses taking on the Roman Catholic doctrine of soteriology (salvation, including justification by faith and works), while the later and more famous 95 theses took on the Roman Catholic practice of indulgences. Interestingly, Gonzalez doesn't document the statement about the 99 theses, and I haven't read it in any other history, biography, or theology.

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10y ago
Catholic AnswerThe 95 Theses, a copy of which is enclosed at the link below the answer box were a mixed assortment of complaints that Martin Luther leveled against the Catholic Church of his time. I call them "mixed" because some of them are Orthodox Catholic theology, and some are clear off the wall. The only thing that the 95 Theses show is a stunning ignorance on the part of Martin Luther for elementary Catholic theology. Which, considering that he was teaching theology at the time in Germany is a mind boggling example of Catholic education for clergy and friars at that time in Germany.

from The Cleaving of Christendom, by Warren H. Carroll; Christendom Press, Front Royal, Virginia, copyright 2000.

On October 31, 1517 Luther's 95 theses, nailed to the door of the Wittenberg palace church, denounced the granting by the Church of indulgences remitting the time and punishment in purgatory due for sins committed by the soul receiving the indulgences, in the specific context of donation of money to the Church. He declared that the indulgences were not recognized by God and that the church had no "treasury of grace" from which it could dispense them. Luther had told no one of his intention to make this challenge. He sent one copy of the theses to Archbishop Albert of Mainz, who had approved the granting of indulgences for contributions to help pay for the building of the new St. Peter's Church in Rome, preached by a Dominican named Tetzel; (The slogan attributed to Tetzel, possibly but not certainly authentic, does regrettably represent the tone of much of the preaching of indulgences in Germany at this time: "As soon as the coin in the box clinks, the soul out of purgatory's fire springs"). And another copy to Bishop Hieronymus Scultetus of Brandenburg, ordinary of the University of Wittenberg where Luther taught. The latter took no action, but Archbishop Albert forwarded the 95 theses to Rome in mid-December 1517 with a request that Luther be silenced; but he also called for less publicity and showmanship in the granting of indulgences and a tighter control over the funds collected by this means. (Von Pastor, History of the Popes, VII, 351-353; Grisar, Luther, I, 330-331; Fife, Revolt of Martin Luther, pp. 251-256.)

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What was the name of Martin Luthers Challenge of the Catholic Church?

They were known as the 95 Theses, you may view them at the link below.

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Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses in 1517 on the Wittenburg Cathedral door.Martin Luther King did not post the 95 Theses.

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Martin Luther King Jr. did not write the 95 theses. Martin Luther, a medieval monk, wrote the 95 theses. This was a list of why the Roman Catholic Church was wrong in selling indulgences.

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95 Theses of Martin Luther

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Acting on this belief, he wrote the "Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences," also known as "The 95 Theses," a list of questions and propositions for debate. Popular legend has it that on October 31, 1517 Luther defiantly nailed a copy of his 95 Theses to the door of the Gutenberg Castle church.From Hunter

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