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The cocao plant does not contain cholesterol, however chocolate can have cholesterol if milk is added to the chocolate mix.

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Q: Can dark chocolate lower cholesterol
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Is it true that dark chocolate help you reduce high cholesterol?

Yes, the antioxidants in dark chocolate can be great for the body in moderation.

What foods can help to lower cholesterol without reducing food intake?

There are many different kinds of food on the market that will help to lower cholesterol, some of these include Garlic, Bran,Peanuts, Almonds, Dark Chocolate and Green Tea are to name a few. In order to keep cholesterol as low as possible saturated fats should be kept to a minimum.

How is chocolate good for you?

First off... Chocolate in general isn't good for you, only dark chocolate. Milk in white and milk chocolate reducesthe amount of antioxidants being absorbed in the body. Also, dark chocolate helps lower high blood pressure, which is healthy to maintain at a certain age.

What are some good foods that lower cholesterol in the body?

Some foods that can lower your cholesterol in your body are foods that are high in fiber, low in fat, and high in vitamins. Fruits, vegetables, and oatmeal are very good sources of food that lower cholesterol.

What are some foods that could lower my cholesterol?

Some foods that will lower your cholesterol would be things like whole grains and oats, blueberries, nuts and almonds, chocolate, avocados, olives and olive oil. There are many different options but these are the most common.

Is there a possibility that eggplant can lower cholesterol?

eggplant cholesterol made lower

Can chocolate make you skinny?

Chocolate does not have a slimming effect, unfortunately. Dark chocolate, though, has a surplus amount of antioxidants, a relaxing effect, lowering blood pressure, and cholesterol. This does not mean that making dark chocolate part of your agenda is a good idea, it is simply saying that when having occasional treats, it's a healthy idea to make it dark!

Is dark chocolate lower in fat and calories than milk chocolate?

Yes. Milk chocolate is simply dark chocolate with milk and sugar added. Dark chocolate also has many health benefits that milk chocolate does not share, such as fiber and iron. Dark chocolate has significantly less calories than milk chocolate, although there is not a huge difference in grams of fat.

What chocolate will melt quicker dark or white chocolate?

dark chocolate

What is good food for high cholesterol?

You should consult your doctor for ways to lower your cholesterol. Cheerios helps lower cholesterol.

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Is dark chocolate better than milk chocolate?

yes definitely..dark chocolate has certain ingredients that lower blood pressure and fight diseases and it also contains more of the actual cocoa bean than milk chocolate does. It also contains significantly less carbs which is good for weight loss.....and dark chocolate is much more filling which means you don't have to eat more!!