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The American automobile gets its name from the Greek 'auto-', which means 'self'; and the Latin 'mobilis', which means 'easy to move'. The American computer gets its name from the Latin 'computare', which means 'to calculate, to reckon together'. The American refrigerator gets its name from the Latin 're-', which is a prefix that means 'again'; and the Latin 'frigerare', which means 'to cool'. The American stove gets its name from the Latin 'ex-', which is a prefix that means 'out'; and the Greek 'typhein', which means 'to smoke'. The American vacuum cleaner gets its name from the Latin 'vacuum', which means 'empty space'.

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Some American products with Latin-derived names include Chevrolet (from the founder Louis Chevrolet, who was of Swiss descent), Cadillac (named after the French explorer Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac), and Coca-Cola (the name was derived from coca leaves and kola nuts used in its original formula, both of which have Latin origin).

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