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Spain was the first European country to import African slaves to the Americas. After Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, the Spanish started bringing Africans as slave labor for their plantations and mines. Juan de Cordoba was the first Spaniard to send African slaves to the New World.

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Q: Which European country was the first to import enslaved africans to the Americans?
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Which European country was first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas?

Spain was the first country to import enslaved Africans to the Americas :)

Which European country was the first to import enslaved Africans to America?

Spain. (:

What European country was the first to import enslaved africans to the Americas?


What European country was the first to import enslaved africans to the America?


What was the first European country to import enslaved Africans to the America's?


Which European country was the first to import enslaved Africans to the Americas?

Spain was the first country to import enslaved Africans to the Americas :)

How many enslaved africans were sent to Brazil?

It is estimated that around 4 to 4.8 million enslaved Africans were sent to Brazil during the transatlantic slave trade. Brazil received the largest number of enslaved Africans of any country in the Americas.

Why might enslaved Africans be able to join rebellion easier in the city than the country?

In cities, enslaved Africans had greater access to communication networks, like churches and markets, which facilitated coordination for rebellion. Additionally, urban centers provided more anonymity, making it easier for enslaved individuals to organize without being detected by their owners. The diverse population in cities also allowed for alliances with free Black individuals, Native Americans, and others who supported the abolition of slavery.

The country outside of Africa that had the largest number of enslaved Africans during the period of slavery.?


Which European country was the first to enslave Africans to the Americans?

Spain was the first European country to import African slaves to the Americas. After Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, the Spanish started bringing Africans as slave labor for their plantations and mines. Juan de Cordoba was the first Spaniard to send African slaves to the New World.

Why did europeans see Africans as a better a source of labor than native Americans-?

Because Africans were strangers to the Americans, so they wouldn't have allies or places to hide. Additionally, the Native Americans had much weaker immune systems than Africans because Africans had developed around the same livestock that Europeans had. This made the Africans more disease resistant. Africans were also able to put up with muich more abuse, on average, than Native Americans without fainting or dying.

Why did enslaved Africans want to keep tjheir cultures alive?

Once you are away from your country, taken or voluntarily, culture and relatives may be all you have left.