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Presidents on Coins
  • Cent/Penny -- Abraham Lincoln- the first to be on a coin, starting in 1909 his centennial year.
  • Nickel -- Thomas Jefferson
  • Quarter -- George Washington
  • Half-Dollar -- John F. Kennedy

Note that, starting in 2007, all deceased Presidents will be honored with a circulating Golden Dollar (which, contrary to the belief of some, is not gold at all, though it has a golden color). The coins will be released 4 per year, and will cover every president from George Washington to Gerald Ford, at least as of March, 2007. By law, no living President's image can appear on a coin.
Cent: Abraham Lincoln

Nickel: Thomas Jefferson

Dime: Franklin Roosevelt

Quarter: George Washington

Half-dollar: John F. Kennedy

Large dollar: Dwight D. Eisenhower

Small dollar: all non-living former presidents

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Lincoln on the penny, Jefferson on the nickel, FD Roosevelt on the dime, Washington on the quarter, Kennedy on the half dollar, and Eisenhower on the dollar are the coined presidents.

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Q: Which US presidents are on US coins?
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Many US presidents have specific coins minted in their honor. For example, George Washington appears on the quarter, Thomas Jefferson on the nickel, Abraham Lincoln on the penny, Franklin D. Roosevelt on the dime, and John F. Kennedy on the half-dollar.

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The Lincoln penny of 1909 was the first US coin with a president's face on it.

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Lincoln on Cent, Jefferson on 2005 nickel, Susan B. Anthony, Sacagawea, and some of the Presidents on Dollar coins.

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On current Us coins, only Sacajawea. In the not too far distant past, Susan B, Anthony , Benjamin Franklin and unknown Indians have appeared.

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the presidents