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Q: Which former vice president called the position of vice president the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived?
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What office did john Adams designates as the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived?

most likely, the Vice Presidency of the U. S.

Who said the vice president is the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man cantrived or his imagination conceived?

John Adams

What are good ideas for a sixth grade invention?

If I tell you, then it's partly my invention , my intellectual property . Use your imagination.

How are you going to make a invention?

creativity and imagination combined with hard work and goal setting are key

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There is no evidence that angels exist; so it is safe to presume that they are the invention of a fertile imagination.

How is Joe Biden going to improve the nation?

John Adams, the first vice president, described it as "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived." He assumes the role of an important behind-the-scenes counselor such as adjudicating disputes between Obama's "team of rivals". Biden also plays key roles in gaining Senate support for major pieces of legislation. During the Iraq war he visited every 3 months to see troops, gain direct information to take back to the President, and provide advice. There are times when the President and he conflict with ideas. The President, of course, makes all final decisions. Naturally there needs to be a second in command in case the President is unable to fulfill his duties as a result of extreme illness or death. President Obama has chosen Biden as he is confident he can assume the role based on his great experience in U.S. and Foreign affairs and I'm sure his cool demeanor.

Why do humans get scared?

Yes they do, because it is a part of our imagination, you could almost call being scared your friend. This is because without our imagination, inventors couldn't imagine their invention or people couldn't think of ideas for a story. Sadly, imagination also makes you fear things

Where would a person submit fiction writings?

APEX: Writing that is a product of a writers imagination, and an invention instead of actual fact or history.

Literary work that is mostly not a product of the writer's imagination is?

Non-fiction works, such as biographies, autobiographies, and historical texts, are mostly not products of the writer's imagination. These works are based on factual events, real people, and research rather than creative invention.

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Python was invented/developed by Guido van Rossum. It was conceived in the late 1980s and its implementation was started in December 1989.

What kind of invention can you make at home?

You could invent anything you want,but You would need the imagination, and materials. its very nice answer but can you help me what i can make? can you make a gbs glasses

Ideas for inventions?

Ideas for inventions can come from your imagination. Invention ideas sometimes come from a person thinking of a new use for something or a better way of doing something.