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The Eastern Hemisphere has more land than the Western Hemisphere. I looked it up on a news website and it told me the exact same thing i put down so there you go i hope this is useful to you.

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12y ago
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9y ago

The Eastern hemisphere, which includes most of Europe and Africa, and all of Asia and Australia, is far larger in land area than the Southern Hemisphere, which includes parts of Africa and South America, and all of Australia.

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8y ago

The Northern Hemishpere has more land mass on it than the Southern Hemishpere.

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8y ago

Either hemisphere, eastern or western, has a larger percentage of land than the southern hemisphere, which is predominantly ocean.

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13y ago

Eastern. Asia is the largest continent combined with most of Europe, Australia, Half of Antarctica, and Africa, it is more than enough to dwarf the amount of land in the Western Hemisphere.

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9y ago

The eastern one has more land, the western one has more water.

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