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Q: Which is a ciliate amoeba trypanosoma paramecium slime mold?
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Is paramecium a sarcodine or sporozoa ciliate euglenoid or slime mold?

Paramecium is located in the phylum ciliophora.

Is slime mold a ciliate?

Slime mold is not a ciliate. Although slime molds enter a amoeboid stage, they are not equipped with cilia.

What is a slime mold's reproductive cell called?


What moves the same way as slime molds?

The movement of a slime mold is much like that of an amoeba, but on a larger scale.

What is an example of A protist organism?

An amoeba and a Volvox are two examples of protists. The amoeba is heterotrophic (does not make its own food), and the Volvox is autotrophic (makes its own food through photosynthesis).

Are slime molds a ciliate?

Both slime molds and ciliates belong to the protists group. Ciliates are single-celled and slime molds have a complex life cycle during the course of which they go through unicellular, multicellular, funguslike (form spores) and protozoanlike (amoeboid) stages.

What are temporary extensions of a protozoans cytoplasm?

Slime moulds and amoeba move using this method.

What is the tiny cell that allows slime molds to reproduce called?

For the Myxomycetes, the are called myxoamoeba or swarmers (if they have flagella). For the Dictyosteliomycetes, they are amoeba.

What are the seven classifications of mold?

Alternaria Aspergillus Cladosporium Penicillium Stachybotrys Trichoderma Fusarium

What kinds of fungus can move?

Certain kinds of slime molds, which are commonly regarded as fungi, can move. Slime molds come in different types, one of which is called "cellular." The cellular slime mold starts as an amoeba-like or yeast-like cell that divides into multiple, individual cells. The amoeba-like cells move on their own. Eventually, slime mold cells combine into a single body, and such a body sometimes looks and acts much like a common slug. In this form it moves about in quest of a place to go to the next stage in its life. The next step is for the combined body to differentiate into a stem and a fruiting body, and at this stage it may appear to be very like a mold.

What animals are in kingdom protista?

Eukaryotic organisms that does not fit in any other catagories. Some protists are "plant-like", some are "animal-like", and some are also "fungi-like". Basically, everything else that is eukaryotic except for animals, plants, and fungi are classified into kingdom protista. Some common examples are the amoeba, euglena and paramecium.

How do you get a king bubble slime?

Synthesize a king slime and a king cure slime. King Slime=(slime+slime)+(slime+slime) King Cureslime=Megalodon+(any slime, B rank I think) GOOD LUCK!