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They're about the same price.

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Q: Which is more expensive - corn oil or canola oil?
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Is canola oil the same as corn syrup?

No, corn syrup is a syrup that is made from corn. Canola oil is an oil that originates from the seed of the rapeseed plant.

Can you use canola oil instead of corn syrup? comes from the rapeseed plant. Canola stands for Canadian oil, most rapeseed plants are grown in Canada (and the word canola is a much less offensive term than rapeseed). Canola oil is called LEAR oil in Canada(Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed oil), erucic acid is a known carcinogen, Canola is a combination of CANada and mazOLA, Mazola (corn oil) was it's main competitor in the US when it was introduced to US markets.

Which oil has better flavor for baking cookies corn or canola?

Sure can. All oils can usually be substituted for one another in most recipes. Corn oil, soybean oil (vegetable), and canola(rape seed) oils are all highly processed (chemically) synthetic oils. Olive oil, peanut oil and safflower oil are three natural mechanically processed oils which also act the same way as the above oils in recipes. Safflower oil most nearly has the same properties as canola (rape weed) oil.

What can be used as biofuel?

Ethanol, corn oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, etc.

What oils are apart of the specialty oils market?

blended oils such as canola/corn oil, corn/palm oil, olive/canola oil, and peanut/sesame oil, as well as flavored cooking oils that infused herbs and other seasonings, including garlic

What are some oils to cook with?

vegetable oil corn oil olive oil Crisco oil wesson oil canola oil

What oil is popcorn popped in?

canola & corn oil coconut oil and peanut oil are the best

How is canola oil different from olive oil?

Canola oil is made from canola (a kind of rapeseed) and olive oil is made from olives. Canola oil is lighter and almost tasteless, and takes high heat well--it's good for frying and baking. Olive oil has a distinctive taste which makes it good for sauces and salad dressings. Both oils are very healthy for you, much more so than corn or palm oil.

Which of the following is lowest in unsaturated fats Trout canola oil corn oil beef or salmon?


What is the most fattening cooking oil's out of corn oil or olive oil or canola oil?

All cooking oils are equally fattening. They all have 130 calories per tablespoon. Of the three you mention, olive oil is the healthiest, with the most oleic acid (monounsaturated), only safflower oil has more. Corn oil has the least of these three. Canola (rapeseed) oil contains erucic acid (a known carcinogen), which the others do not.

What type of oil do you use to fry?

canola, peanut, sunflower, olive, corn, vegetable

Which is better for you Canola or Grape seed Oil?

No. Use vegetable oil or corn oil. Since the only point of using oil in cooking is to stop the food from sticking to the pan, there is no real need for expensive or exotic oils. Though the type of oil used does influence the flavour, it depends mainly on the ingredients and the way you cook it. When all else fails, try it and see.