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Q: Which kind of lenses are used to correct farsightedness but the inability to see close up?
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If people need to wear eyeglasses to help them read the lenses in the glasses need to?

be prescribed by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. The prescription takes into account the individual's specific vision needs, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness. Wearing the correct prescription lenses helps to correct the refractive errors in the person's eyes and improves their ability to read and focus on objects at close distances.

What is the difference between nearsightnedness and farsightedness?

Nearsightedness is when you can only see far and farsightedness is when you can only see close.

What is the inability to focus well of close objects?

accomodation Source:

What lens used to correct nearsightedness?

Convex lenses are thicker in the middle then the edges and concave are thicker at the edges then the middle. When light travels through lenses, refraction occurs. The light bends either outward or inward, it depends on the lens.The lens of your eye is a double convex lens. Its job is to focus the image on the retina of the eye. If one is farsighted, the lens in the eye causes the focus to be behind the retina. These people see far but have some difficultly seeing close-up.To correct this farsightedness, the person would wear glasses or contacts with convex lenses, for It is often used for close examination of small objects.

Why is bifocal eyewear good?

The purpose of bifocals is to allow an individual to focus both near and far. Generally, an eyeglass prescription will be written for those nearsighted or farsighted. If you are nearsighted, the lens in the eye causes the focus to be in front of the retina and the person struggles to see far away because the lens is too long. To correct it, you would be given concave lenses in your eyeglasses. For farsightedness, you are prescribed convex lenses to correct the eye's short lens that causes the focus to be behind the retina and you struggle to see objects up close. Bifocals combines both types of lenses with the convex melded into the concave, allowing the individual to switch from a reading stance to viewing out.

What do the terms farsightedness and nearsightedness mean?

Farsightedness is when your vision is good at seeing distances, but needs correction to see clearly the things that are close to you. Nearsightedness is when your vision is good at seeing things that are close to you, but needs correction to see clearly the things that are further away.

What are Canon telephone lenses?

Canon telephoto lenses are lenses for cameras. These lenses allow one to get a closer view of subjects which are normally difficult to get close to, such as wildlife.

What is the difference between nearsightedness and farsightedness?

Nearsightness is when you can only see up close and not far away. Farsightness is when you can only see far away and not up close. =)

What uses two convex lenses to magnify small close objects?

A _____________ uses two convex lenses to magnify small, close images.

How do reading glasses work?

Naturally, to see objects up close, the lens in your eye protrudes more to focus on close objects or writing. The process of focusing on close objects is called accommodation. When a person gets older, often around age 40, the eyes begin to lose their ability to focus on close objects. That condition is called presbyopia (from Latin, literally meaning "old eyes"). Anyway, the retina is the part of the eye that sends the image to the brain. The problem here is that light focuses behind the retina rather than on it. Lenses to correct presbyopia and hyperopia (farsightedness) are convex lenses, meaning the lenses are the thickest in the center. They cause light to converge, meaning they cause light waves to bend closer together. So the eyeglasses adds enough power to the natural lens so when you look at things close up, the light rays converge into a point sooner, thus focusing directly on the retina.

What is acleistocardia?

Acleistocardia is the inability of the foramen ovale of the heart to close properly.

What is a word that means a complete inability to worry?

Ataraxia comes kinda close.