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Q: Which microbe is used in production of lactic acid from carbohydrate?
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Lactic acid fermintation?

Definiton= the anaerobic production of lactic acid from glucose.

How do bacteria make lactic acid?

Most bacteria produce asexually by binary fission. If sexually the produce by

Discuss the role of epinephrine on carbohydrate metabolism?

It is generally accepted that epinephrine promotes the breakdown of muscle glycogen to lactic acid and that this lactic acid is largely reconverted to glycogen by the liver.

How do Ph indicators test for sugar fermentation?

When organisms ferment sugars they usually produce lactic acid as a byproduct. This lactic acid production lowers the pH of the media the bacteria is grown in. The pH indicator changes the media color in response to the decreasing pH from the lactic acid production.

Why does the production of lactic acid reduce the production of ATP?

I don't think Mr. Harper will approve of this...

Is lactic acid a carbohydrate?

yes, because lactic acid is a sugar compound. lactic acid is the product of the chemical equation 6H2O+6CO2+ATP=Energy, where the energy used is the sugars(Carbohydrates) and the product is the lactic acid formed from the ATP during the energy exertion during exercise. yes, because lactic acid is a sugar compound. lactic acid is the product of the chemical equation 6H2O+6CO2+ATP=Energy, where the energy used is the sugars(Carbohydrates) and the product is the lactic acid formed from the ATP during the energy exertion during exercise.

One type of fermentation in muscle cells produces?

Lactate (also known as lactic acid) and NAD+

What builds up in muscles after a few seconds of intense activity?

Lactic acid is produced by muscles during intense activity. The human body has a way of removing the lactic acid. When the production of lactic acid overcomes the body's ability to remove it, a side stitch commonly occurs.Regular exercise can improve the body's ability to cope with lactic acid buildup.

Which organism is responsible for the production of fermented dairy products?

Lactic acid Bacteria

What are the two common end production for anaerobic respiration?

energy and lactic acid.

What do aerobic respiration and lactic acid fermentation have in common besides the production of ATP?

ATP production begins with glucose..

Is lactic a base or an acid?

acid as in lactic acid?