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Q: Which nation successfully maintained neutrality when it came to dealing with the two superpowers following World War 2 and carrying forward into the '60s?
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Which nation successfully maintained neutrality when it came to dealing with the two superpowers following World War 2?


Why did Emilio Aguinaldo lead an insurrection against the US?

He was not happy that the United States maintained possession of the Philippines following the Spanish-American War.

Why did Russia and the US go from allies to enemies following World War 2?

Russia and the US went to enemies because when the war was over, they became superpowers and divided up Germany since Germany had a falling empire. They also made up their mind that Russia wanted Communism, and the US wanted a Democracy.

What event ended Americas neutrality before its entrance into World War 2?

The event that ended America's neutrality before its entrance into World War 2 was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The attack prompted the United States to officially join the war and declare war on Japan the following day.

What was a major reason for US neutrality in the 1930's?

The nation was suffering from a serious depression, had taken a serious and tragic loss in human capital during WWI and was politically divided on another war "over there". American industrial leaders like Henry Ford and aviation hero Charles Lindberg had taken a strong pro German stance, the German American Bund was making a strong propoganda stand against anti Nazi factions and the Irish Americans were strongly against any aid or support for Britain. Neutrality wasn't Roosevelt's choice, but at that time in US History, there was very little support for intervention in the problems of the world.

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