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Diets lacking in carbohydrates lead to increased amino acid utilization for fuel. Nutrition 200 ~jm~

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Q: Which of the following is a role for diet in physical activity?
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Can your family friends peers teachers and role models be considered external influences on physical activity?

Yes, your family, friends, peers, teachers, and role models are external forces that influence physical activity. In addition, television, magazines, and advertising affect physical fitness. Often, many of these influences are negative forces.

How many miles do you need to jog per week to stay in shape?

Diet plays a big role aside from jogging, recommended 30 minutes of physical activity daily is suggested. I would say if you want to stay in good shape maybe an hour daily. Jogging I would say a mile or two to stay in good shape along with proper diet and hydration. Don't forget cals, stretching is important before running long distance or any physical activity.

What are the effects of mental health caused by physical activity?

Physical activity plays a huge role in keeping good mental health. There are the obvious effects and benefits of physical activity, such as getting in shape and therefore improving your overall body image. By keeping in shape, one naturally is going to receive a moral boost as well as an increase in self image because they are less worried about their weight and appearance and take pride in it. As well, physical activity provides a physical as well as emotional boost. By being active, the muscles are allowed to stretch and flex. Lack of physical activity will lead to stiffness, as well as muscle atrophy and tightness. On a hormonal level, physical activity releases the hormones known as endorphins. Endorphins provide one with the "runners high" or the emotional uplifting one gets after finishing a workout, which will usually last for hours after the activity. Physical activity, along with a good diet, can prevent numerous lifestyle disease such as diabetes 2, as well as help treat/reduce the severity of others, such as asthma. It cannot be stressed how important physical activity is to the human body, and when done correctly only has positive effects.

How do patients fare following gastric bypass surgery?

patients often regain some of the lost weight. But few patients regain it all. Of course, diet and activity level after surgery also play a role in how much weight a patient may ultimately lose.

What would be some of the causes of high blood pressure?

The exact causes of high blood pressure are not known, but several factors and conditions may play a role in its development, including: smoking, being overweight or obese, lack of physical activity or too much salt in the diet.

How does the role of activity and fitness relate to the six dimensions of wellness?

Activity and fitness play a crucial role in several dimensions of wellness. In the physical dimension, engaging in regular exercise and being physically active promote overall health and wellness. In the emotional dimension, physical activity can help reduce stress and improve mood. In the social dimension, participating in group activities or team sports promotes social connection and interaction. Lastly, in the intellectual dimension, physical activity can improve cognitive function and enhance mental clarity.

What personal habits affect weight loss or gain?

Eating habits and patterns of physical activity also play a significant role in the amount of weight a person gains. Recent studies have indicated that the amount of fat in a person's diet may have a greater impact on weight than the number of calories

What is teacher directed activity?

Any activity where the teacher is in the leadership role, but participates in the activity.

What contributes to good physical and mental well-being in man?

Good physical and mental well-being in a person is by them living a healthy lifestyle. Diet and exercise play an important role in regarding one's physical and mental health. The better the diet and exercise, usually that means for better physical and mental well-being. There are external factors which do not help mental well-being, however there is always a solution to them.

Why do children need vitamins and minerals in their diet?

School-aged children are still growing. Growth requirements combined with physical activity play a role in determining a child's nutritional needs. Genetic background, gender, body size and shape are other factors. The nutrients needed by children are the same needed by adults, but the amounts vary.

How does food therapy play a role in treating knee pain?

Following a detoxification diet may restore nutritional balance to the body and relieve joint pain. Animal proteins may induce joint pain caused by such inflammatory conditions as arthritis, so following a vegetarian diet may be helpful.

What is the role of calories in your diet?