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Protestantism has its origins when Pope Leo X (1513-21) excommunicated a troublesome priest called Martin Luther. Luther's initial aim had been simply to reform the use of indulgences. There was to be no compromise and in 1521, in Wittenberg's St Mary's Church, the first Protestant communion was celebrated. There were other Protestants before Martin Luther, such as Peter Waldo, John Wycliffe, and John Huss, and the churches that grew from the teachings of these men. All three of these men lived before the time of Martin Luther.

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11y ago

The Lutherans and the Church of England

Comment from a CatholicNo religions "broke away" from the Catholic Church, they left the Catholic Church and formed their own religion. In other words, they left the only Church that was founded and guaranteed by Our Blessed Savior, formed by God, and led by the Holy Spirit, to form a religion totally unrelated to Christianity, but called it "Christianity", even though Our Blessed Lord was quite specific in their there would be only one fold and one Shepherd. By rejected the One Fold, and the One Shepherd, they are rejected Him - please read your Scriptures.
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11y ago

Both the Anglicans and the Lutherans broke with the Catholics during the Protestant Revolt.


Comment from a CatholicNo religions "broke away" from the Catholic Church, they left the Catholic Church and formed their own religion. In other words, they left the only Church that was founded and guaranteed by Our Blessed Savior, formed by God, and led by the Holy Spirit, to form a religion totally unrelated to Christianity, but called it "Christianity", even though Our Blessed Lord was quite specific in their there would be only one fold and one Shepherd. By rejected the One Fold, and the One Shepherd, they are rejected Him - please read your Scriptures.
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Q: Which of the three branches of Christianity broke away from the Catholic church in the 1500's?
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