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Phosphate group.

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The amino group (NH2) does not contain a carbon-oxygen double bond.

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Q: Which of these functional groups does not contain a carbon oxygen double bond?
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What are Schiff bases?

Schiff Bases are a compounds with functional groups which contain carbon-nitrogen.

If a molecule is an ene-one what functional groups must it have?

An ene-one molecule must have both an alkene (ene) and a ketone (one) functional group. The alkene functional group is characterized by a carbon-carbon double bond, while the ketone functional group consists of a carbon double-bonded to an oxygen and attached to two other carbon groups.

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What functional groups does formaldehyde contain?

Formaldehyde, as its name implies, is an aldehyde. Thus, it contains a carbonyl (CHO) functional group. This group consists of a carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom. The carbonyl group is the only functional group contained in formaldehyde.

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What are the two main types of functional groups?

The two main types of functional groups are alkyl groups, which are hydrocarbon chains, and heteroatom groups, which contain at least one atom other than carbon and hydrogen. These functional groups play a crucial role in determining the chemical properties of organic compounds.

What functional group are found in a monosaccharide?

Monosaccharides are classified by the number of carbon atoms and the types of functional groups present in the sugar. For example, glucose and fructose have the same chemical formula (C6H12O6), but a different structure: glucose having an aldehyde (internal hydroxyl shown as: -OH) and fructose having a keto group (internal double-bond O, shown as: =O). This functional group difference, as small as it seems, accounts for the greater sweetness of fructose as compared to glucose.

What functional groups contains double-bonded oxygen on the internal carbon and is found in acetone?

>C=O group or keto group

What is the relationship between carbon skeletons and functional groups?

Carbon skeletons are the core structures of organic compounds, made up of carbon atoms bonded together in various arrangements. Functional groups are specific atoms or groups of atoms attached to the carbon skeleton that determine the chemical properties and reactivity of the compound. The presence of different functional groups can greatly influence the overall behavior and function of the organic molecule.

What functional group has a double bond oxygen on a middle carbon?

The functional group with a double bond oxygen on a middle carbon is a ketone. In a ketone, the carbon doubly bonded to the oxygen is in the center of the molecule and is attached to two other carbon groups.

What is organik chemistry?

Organic chemistry is the study and analysis of Chemistry involving chains composed of carbon. Such types of chains include: Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Ketones, Ethers, Alcohols, Esthers, etc.. All of these chains contain the element Carbon but they are characterized differently due to the presence of different functional groups, for example: The functional group of a Ketone is a double bond to an Oxygen.