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Q: Which part of the constitution projects freedom of speechthoughtand belief?
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Can the government limit your right to freedom of belief?

Nope, the US Constitution clearly states the freedom of belief.

Which philosopher strongly believed in the idea if freedom of speech and religious?

All of the framers of the constitution believed in those principles.

The primary purpose of the government is to protect your freedom THEY stated this belief both in the?

The statement that the government should protect freedom is stated in the Decoration of Independence and in the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights are amendments that have been made to the Constitution.

What was voltaires main belief?

it was freedom of expression freedom of thought and freedom or religious

What main belief is shared by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution?

The main belief shared by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution is government by the people and for the people. This belief is the basis of the American government.

Where did the colonists get the belief freedom?

They brought it from England.

Where did the colonists get the belief in personal freedom?

They brought it from England.

Where did colonists get belief in personal freedom?

They brought it from England.

Does freedom of religion also mean freedom from religion?

Decidedly yes, insofar as the rights of those who choose not to practice any religion. The First Amendment provides for freedom of religion for those who choose to follow a particular religious belief. There is nothing anywhere in the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the writings of the Founding Fathers, or the laws of this nation that requires any citizen to espouse a religious belief or that, conversely, disallows unbelief (atheism). Thomas Jefferson said:"The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God."

Is there freedom of speech in US?

Yes, and you can find it in the First Amendment to the Constitution. The government may not establish a religion (make one religion the official belief of the US) and it also may not prevent you from worshiping as you wish, or not worshiping at all. You may have read some blogs or opinion pieces that claim the US does not have freedom of religion, but those pieces are often written by people who claim that America is supposed to favor their particular belief (usually evangelical Christianity), and who get upset when there isn't enough of that belief in public life.

What were the beliefs of the colonial South Carolina?

The common religious belief was Anglican, but they believed in freedom of religion (belief.)

What are the 5 first amendment freedoms?

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief. The Supreme Court tells us how far these rights may be extended.