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Squirrels live in most parts of the world. They are found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. There are no squirrels in Australia. Squirrels live in woodland, as they build nests (called 'dreys') in trees. The dreys are built out of twigs and leaves, with fur and feathers lining the inside for comfort. Squirrels build them very high in trees so predators can't reach them.

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Q: Which part of the world do squirrels live in?
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What part of the world do squirrels live in?


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Does the Alaskan wilderness have squirrels?

Squirrels live in most parts of the world. They are found in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. There are no squirrels in Australia. Squirrels live in woodland, as they build nests (called 'dreys') in trees.So no there are none in Alaska

Do red squirrels live in America?

Red squirrels are found in most northern states. I live in Wisconsin and the red squirrels also known as "fox squirrels" are mostly found in wooded areas.

A wildfire destroys part of a forest. How will squirrels that live in the forest and depend on trees most likely respond?

Squirrels Will emigrate and leave the population

Where do squirrels live in Idaho?

Idaho Ground Squirrels live under rocks and logs.

Where can squirrels live at?

Squirrels can live in the trees or underground, depending on the species of squirrel.

Do squirrels live in trees or on the ground?

Trees. Squirrels live in nests in trees.

How many squirrels live in a forest?

94.6 exactly if you average out every forest in the world

Can squirrels be in the deserts?

Squirrels do live in the American deserts.

Do squirrels lives in communities?

Squirrels live together.

What are some parks that squirrels live in?

squirrels live in any park that has people and trees