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It depends on how you define democracy.

If you are worried about the presence of voting, then the principle of having regular elections and a peaceful change of power between political parties is the most important principle.

If you are worried about people being able to use politics to improve their circumstances by using their vote to pick a person who coul represent them, then the First Amendment's free expression principle and freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition are the most important principles.

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The US Constitution is a document that sets the limits of what the Federal Government can do in terms of keeping a just system in the republic called the United States. All other issues not covered in the US Constitution are left to the States that make up the United States. It should be noted that the term "democracy" is derived from the Greek language. The basic definition of democracy is "mob rule". Few Governments in the world are based on a pure system of mob rule, or to be generous, having all citizens vote on all laws and voting on what kind of government they want.

In the United States, the founders of America designed a central government where within the government power is shared. This is the basic principle of a "republic". Within the republic, the US Constitution has an important section that guarantees certain rights to US citizens. This section is called the Bill of Rights. Some of the basic rights in this section of the Constitution as example, guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of lawful assembly. In the USA, the freedom of the press or news media is guaranteed.

These are some of the ways the freedom of citizens is protected.

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Q: Which principle of the US Constitution is most important to preserving democracy?
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