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There was the sugar act, a tax on molasses, the stamp act, a tax on all legal documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, even playing cards, and the Townshend acts, a tax on lead, paint paper, tea

don't know if you want the intolerable acts after the Boston tea party, when britain issued new laws saying U.S. government officials were to be tried in England, closed boston harbor, colonists were to house british troops in their homes, and were only allowed to have town meetings once a year

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Q: Which taxes act were placed by England on the colonies?
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When The Stamp Act placed taxes on various documents saying the taxes would be used for?

The Stamp Act placed taxes on various documents, saying the taxes would be used for defense of the colonies.-Hope this helped. (:

What country placed a tax called the Tea Act on the colonies?


What act placed new taxes on paper paint lead glass tea imported into the colonies?

Revenue Act

Sugar act of 1764?

The Sugar Act of 1764 placed tariffs and duties on goods imported into the colonies by England.

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sugar act

Find about Stamp act how did it lead to the conflict between Americans colonies and England?

It outraged the American colonists that such large taxes were being placed on themselves without their consent. This caused greater mistrust between the American colonists and England

Which act raised taxes on sugar textiles and other goods imported to the colonies from places other than England?

Sugar Act

Why was the stamp act different from the sugar act?

the sugar act is when the government taxes you on sweets like sugar and molassess. the stamp act is when the government taxes you on paper products.

Why did the british enact taxes such as the stamp act?

England and France fought over a piece of land for about 10 years. after 10 years of fighting, england lost a lot of money and supplies. to get back on track, they decided to create more taxes for the colonies so that the colonies could help them with the money. one of the taxes that they created was the "Stamp Act"

Know reason why tensions were growing between England and Colonies Taxes?

Reason for tensions were: Quartering, Impressment and the Stamp Act

Which act repealed taxes on tea imported to England which allowed the british government to make more profit by taxing the tea that they exported to the colonies?

Indemnity Act

Which act repealed taxes on tea imported to England which allowed the British government to make more profit by taxing tea that they exported to the colonies?

Indemnity Act